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Get to know our mission partners...

Below you will see our South Mission Partners. Click on each profile to learn more about where they are serving, the people they are serving, and how you can pray. If you have any questions, or you would like to support our Global Partners, please contact Jeff Bice.

Blake & Emily Ackerson

BLake and Emily currently serve with Bridges International in Sydney, Australia.

Robert & Roberta Adair

Robert and Roberta serve with Asian Access in Japan.

Josh & Jade Aduddell

Josh and Jade serve with Campus Crusade (CRU) in Tyler and East Texas.

David & Judy Payne

David and Judy help translate the Bible for the Asheninka people of Peru.


The Arab Center for Biblical Studies (ACBS) exists to assist the church in the training and equipping of believers for the fulfillment of this vision throughout the Arabic-speaking world.

Caleb & Samantha

Caleb and Samantha currently serve in Puebla, Mexico learning Spanish as they prepare to serve in Lima, Peru with the International Mission Board.

C Family

The C Family is currently working in North Africa among a people group who are less than 1% Christian.