South local Partners

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Get to know our Local mission partners...

Below you will see our South Local Mission Partners. Click the button to learn more about how you can get involved. Please email Jeff Bice if you’d like to serve with any of these organizations.


Bethesda Health Clinic is a ministry that provides hope and healing to East Texans without health insurance. The clinic was founded in 2003 when local physicians and church members realized there was an access to care gap for those in the community without health insurance. Instead of going without care or using the emergency room as primary care, these patients receive dignity and respect at Bethesda where physicians care for the whole person – mind, body, and spirit.

Currently, the clinic provides primary medical and dental care and some specialty services to hard-working, low-income adults in the Tyler-area community. The clinic’s kingdom purpose is to love and serve those in need through excellent care and pointing them to Jesus.

UT- Tyler I.S.M.

There are large communities of students from India, Asia, the Middle East, and other countries in many large cities, but they are also right here in Tyler, TX. There are over 1.2 million students studying in the US, and less than 25% ever get invited into an American home. 

UT-Tyler ranks in the top 26% of colleges and universities for popularity among international students, and there are currently over 30 nations represented at UT Tyler. If each one of us took the time to invite a few students into our home to share a meal, a holiday, or game night to develop a friendship, imagine the impact we could have by sharing the love of Christ that they will carry with them as they move away. For some, these friendships are so different, that they will open the door to share the gospel message, which will change their lives for eternity.


The HiWay 80 Rescue Mission is an East Texas Christian ministry that preaches and teaches the Word of God while serving the homeless and hurting with food, clothing,  lodging, spiritual direction, rehabilitation programs, and the opportunity to hear and receive the gospel. Their belief is that Christians are commissioned by God to help the poor and needy–not just when it is convenient,  but when and as the needs arise. Frequently, they find that alcoholics, drug addicts, homeless individuals and families,  and victims of domestic violence often lack an advocate. As a result, HiWay 80 has made it their goal to step in and help carry those burdens, one they have been accomplishing for over 60 years.