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God’s Word says we are designed for community. At Bethel, we want to create opportunities for people to be known and to know others..
Giving financially is a personal way to worship. It’s convenient, immediate, and most importantly, SECURE.
Living generously in obedience to God’s Word compels us to turn our attention outward to our neighbors and to the nations. Bethel is committed to living on mission both locally and globally through partnerships with highly effective ministries. We strive to be faithful to make disciples corporately as a Church, with our families, and individually.
You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11-12 (ESV)

41.4% of our world’s population live in a place where they have no access to the Bible, a local church, or even another Christian. We aim to partner with missionaries working in these areas.

God uses His Church as the main means of reaching the world. We partner with those who are planting churches in locations lacking evangelical, Biblically-sound churches.

God has already brought the nations to us! Every year, new international students, working professionals, immigrants, and refugees come to East Texas from all over the world!

We are called to love our neighbors. Fulfilling that great calling includes loving those who are especially at risk in our own community, such as children, victims, and the homeless.

There are billions across our globe who have never heard the name of Jesus. Learn more about our Missionaries and how you can be part of spreading the gospel to the nations.

Missions isn't just overseas. We have many in our East Texas Community who need the love of Christ. Learn about our Local Missions Partners and how you can serve.

Live Sent. This means being ready to go, send, and pray as we fulfill the Great Commission. Learn more about our upcoming trips and how you can support those going on a trip.

Sierra Leone

Missions House Application