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God’s Word says we are designed for community. At Bethel, we want to create opportunities for people to be known and to know others..


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Get to know our mission partners...

Below you will see our Henderson Mission Partners. Click on each profile to learn more about where they are serving, the people they are serving, and how you can pray. If you have any questions, or you would like to support our Global Partners, please contact Jeff Bice.

Dave & Mary Elliff - Church Planting Ministry - Seattle, Washington

Dave and Mary

Dave and Mary served in Seattle planting churches.

Sean & Celia

Sean and Celia serve with other missionaries in Southeast Asia.

Jordi & Bern Vilahur Missionaries Whitehouse Campus, Bethel Bible Church Tyler TX

Jordi & Bern Vilahur

Jordi and Bern have served for 30+ years in Girona, Spain.


Emma serves in Africa with unreached people groups.