The Hindustan Bible Institute

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Population: 1.4 billion
Religion: Hinduism (79.8)
Language: Hindi, English

The Hindustan Bible Institute was established in 1952 by the late Dr. Paul V. Gupta. He felt the call of God to surrender his life for the purpose of reaching the people of India for Christ, and in particular to start a Bible college. Although he had never completed high school, God miraculously enabled him to gain admittance to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (Biola), permission to move his young family to the United States, and financial support while he completed his studies. HBI Global Partners was incorporated in California in 1952 and his son, Dr. Paul (Bobby) Gupta, became president in the mid 1980s. 

Over the past 70 years the ministry has expanded from a Bible college to a multi-faceted ministry providing theological education, village church planter training and support, ministry training, and children’s outreach all over India. In addition to college graduates, HBI has trained 1,200 church planting pastors, who have now planted over 16,000 churches with over 900,000 disciples, mostly first-generation Christians. There are an additional 220 new church planters being trained right now.

Bethel currently supports 6 different church planters through HBI. They each pastor different house churches with different goals and visions to see the unreached of India come to know Christ!