DOwntown local Parnters

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God’s Word says we are designed for community. At Bethel, we want to create opportunities for people to be known and to know others..


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Get to know our Local mission partners...

Below you will see our Downtown Local Mission Partners. Click the button to learn more about how you can get involved. Please email Nathan Atkinson if you’d like to serve with any of these organizations.

Living Alternatives

Long-time Bethel member Bev Kline founded Living Alternatives in 1982 out of a desire to help a young pregnant woman find an alternative to abortion. It has grown to incorporate many facets of pregnancy. The umbrella principle is to bring hope to families and the unborn using a holistic approach: ForThe1 finds families for adoptions or fostering; Building Blocks teaches parenting skills; Fatherheart is a home for unwed pregnant moms; Keeps Boutique provides clothes for moms; Loving Alternatives helps with placement if a mother decides not to parent; the Pregnancy Resource Center counsels women looking for an alternative to abortion; and RUTH is a mobile pregnancy testing and ultrasound unit for other East Texas communities that lack these programs.