Blake and Emily Ackerson
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Blake & Emily
- Sydney, Australia
- Years On Field: 15
- Nations Within
Population: 25,931,000
Religion: Christian
Language: English
For the past 15 years, Blake and Emily have served with Bridges International. Both share a strong desire to see more men and women from the nations encounter Christ, experience life-change, and express Him to the world! The Lord has given them an opportunity to move to Sydney, Australia where, prior to Covid, more than 100,000 international students studied. Australia has the second highest number of international students in the world, and many of these future world leaders come from countries in the 10/40 window where there is little to no knowledge of Jesus. How they are influenced on campus will have a lasting effect on their lives and their native countries upon returning home. God has called the Ackersons to seek effective ways to share the gospel with international students and build them into multiplying disciples so that they can be sent back to their home countries as ambassadors for Christ. Blake and Emily love the outdoors, travel, and the thought that their children, Nathaniel and Elijah, will get to hang out with kangaroos and possibly master the Aussie accent!