grace evangelical ministries

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God’s Word says we are designed for community. At Bethel, we want to create opportunities for people to be known and to know others..


Giving financially is a personal way to worship. It’s convenient, immediate, and most importantly, SECURE.

Grace Evangelical MInistries (GEM)

Population: 8,300,000
Unreached Population: 1,488,000
Islam (71.9%)
Language: Themne, Pular, Mende

Bethel Bible Church is one body worshiping in multiple locations. But it’s more than the five locations in East Texas listed on our website. There are an additional seven locations that are actively engaged in worship with us over five thousand miles away in Sierra Leone! Bethel Hope members Jerry and Marty Putman helped launch the first Grace Evangelical Ministry (G.E.M.) church under a mango tree in 2006!

Over the course of the last 12 years, Bethel has invested, through the All-In Campaign, to fund the growth of G.E.M. in Sierra Leone. G.E.M. is comprised of seven churches and a primary and secondary school (G.E.M. Academy) where over 350 students are receiving a solid Christian education. The Bethel Missions budget supports the primary school. At the secondary school, individual Bethel members sponsor over 100 students annually. Bethel members further sponsor three G.E.M. pastors to go to The Evangelical College of Theology (T.E.C.T.).

Bethel Team at a Pastors Training

Local students at the GEM School

Church service at one of the GEM church campuses.