Dave & Mary Elliff
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Dave & Mary Elliff
- Seattle, Washington
- Years On Field: 8+
- Church Planting
Population: 741,251
Religion: Christian (52%), Unaffiliated (37%)
Language: English
Dave and Mary Elliff are from Little Rock, Arkansas and have been married since 2012. They have five children, Caroline, Caleb, Elijah, Emily, and Kate. The Elliffs moved to Seattle in 2015 to plant Roots Community Church in the Roosevelt neighborhood. They have a passion to see Kingdom-minded, disciple-making churches multiply into every neighborhood in Seattle and beyond.
Before church planting, Dave spent three years on staff with a college ministry at the University of Oklahoma. He then moved to South East Asia for several years where he helped plant a church of university students. It was there that God began growing Dave’s passion for the local church and where he started to see the need for new churches. While completing his Masters of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, he and Mary began praying about where God might be calling them to plant their lives. They firmly believe God has placed them in Seattle and have a desire to see those who don’t know Christ find Him, and become multiplying disciples.

Baptism at Roots Community Church

Serving the community in a park outreach

Roots Community Church members