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College and Young Adults
Our College and Young Adults Ministry is a place for young adults to gather together around God’s Word in community in order to learn, grow, and encourage each other while being discipled by Godly adults.
When: Sundays, 9 AM- 10 AM
Where: Bethel South, Room C205 (Primary Floor Education Building)
Contact: Bev Chandler
South: Discover Bethel
If you are wondering how to find out more about Bethel, how to get involved, or what membership means, Discover Bethel is your next step. We’d love for you to join us at our next Discover Bethel for the South Campus! We will meet on Sunday, Sept. 29th, following the 2nd worship service. Lunch and childcare (up to 12 years old) are provided.
We kindly ask you to register each person who will be attending separately. To register for childcare, you will see a link on your screen after you register for Discover Bethel.
To register for Discover Bethel click HERE or text “DISCOVER” to (903) 437-4437.
Questions? Please email Chad Bradley at
Iron Society: Top Shot Competition
Men, do you have what it takes to be the Top Shot at Bethel? Our next Iron Society Event will be a Top Shot Competition on Saturday, September 21st from 9-12 PM at Nomads Tactical 8480 County Road 3408 Chandler, TX.
To register text “IRON” to (903) 347-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Questions? Please email Chad Bradley at
Fall Festival | October 6th
Join us on October 6th at 4 pm for a Fall Festival featuring baptisms, hot dogs ($2 per dog), games, inflatables, and face painting! This is a great opportunity for life groups to attend together and reconnect (Life group childcare will not be available).
Questions? Email Jessie Batson at
.To register text “FESTIVAL” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Thank you for your desire to follow the Lord in obedience through baptism! Baptism will take place on Sunday, October 6th during the Fall Festival at the South Campus. We will also have a required Baptism Orientation on Sunday, September 22nd during the second service in the Attic.
To register text “SOUTHBAPTISM” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
RSVP Deadline is September 22nd! If you have any questions, please email Chad Bradley at
Downtown and Hope Women’s Bible Study
To register text “DTWBS” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
September 5th- November 21st
The Book of John
Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost).
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
September 5th-November 21st
The Book of John
Childcare not available.
NAV 2:7 Men’s Group
Thursday’s from 12-1 PM at The Foundry
Grow in your walk with the Lord with a curriculum designed to challenge you though scripture memory, study, and learning how to share your testimony with others. This study runs from Sept 5th- May with breaks during the holidays. You’re encouraged to bring your lunch and eat while you study.
CLICK HERE to register! Questions? Email Josh at
WBS: Meet Me in Luke
Suggested Resource to Order: ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal: Luke
Childcare (Nursery & Preschool Only) is available at no cost:
Click Here to sign up for WED PM Childcare (MidWeek Kids)
To register text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Questions? Email our WBS Team at
WBS: Study of Revelation by Jenn Wilkin
Available on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM
Required: Purchase your study book with video access HERE
Childcare (Nursery & Preschool Only) is available at no cost:
Click Here to sign up for WED PM Childcare (MidWeek Kids)
To register text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Questions? Email our WBS Team at
WBS: Study of Revelation by Jenn Wilkin
Available on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM
Required: Purchase your study book with video access HERE
Childcare (Nursery & Preschool Only) is available at no cost:
Click here to sign up for Tues. AM Childcare
To register text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Questions? Email our WBS Team at
WBS: Study of the Book of Psalms
No Cost to Attend | Inductive Study
**Will need to purchase an ESV Scripture Journal (leaders will email info)
Childcare (Nursery & Preschool Only) is available at no cost:
Click here to sign up for Tues. AM Childcare
To register text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Questions? Email our WBS Team at
BSM: Wednesday Night Live | 6th-12th grade
We’re back for the fall! Join us Wednesday nights in the Attic from 6:30 PM-8:00 PM for games, worship, bible study, and snacks!
Life Group Leader Training
August 21st at 6:00 PM in the Theater
Email Shelby at if you need childcare.
Friday Funday
Join us on the first Friday of each month for Friday Funday from 10-11:30 AM! This is open to all campuses Nursery, Preschool kiddos, and their parents. This month we will be meeting at the Bethel South Theater. We will provide drinks and snacks! RSVP to Jessica Hyde at
South Campus: Promotion Sunday
On Promotion Sunday, August 11th all Nursery – 5th graders will be moving up in their Sunday morning classes at 9 am. All upcoming 6th graders will also move up to the Student Ministry on this day.
Discover Bethel- Downtown
If you are wondering how to find out more about the Bethel, how to get involved, or what membership means, Discover Bethel is your next step. We’d love for you to join us for our next Discover Bethel for the Downtown Campus!
We will be having a Discover Bethel class on Sunday, September 8th from 12-2 PM. We will have a free lunch and childcare (for ages 0-12) for all who want to attend, so make sure to RSVP by Thursday, September 5th so that we can have enough food for everyone. Click HERE to register, or text “DISCOVERDT” to (903) 437-4437.
Prayer Serve Team For International Students
Did you know that over 300 international students attend school at UT Tyler each year? We have an incredible opportunity to link arms with these students and share the love of Jesus with them. If this interests you at all, please join us for dessert at Scott and Marion Murphy’s home on Friday, August 9th from 7-9 pm. For more information, or to let us know you are coming, please contact Scott Murphy at 903-508-7121 or Karen Olsen at 903-245-9622.
Hope: Parent Meeting
Parents of rising 6th-12th graders, please join us for a quick parent meeting after the service on Sunday August 4th.
6th-12th Grade Faith and Food Lunch
Students, join us for lunch at Jane and Rick Rogers house after church on Sunday, July 28th!
Text Jane to register at (903) 521-7887
Family Movie Night! July 11th | 6:00 pm | The Aristocats
Beat the heat and join us for a Family Movie night! We will meet at the Bethel South Theater on Thursday, July 11th. Doors open at 5:45 PM. Bring a blanket for your family to sit on, and dinner to eat (nut-free), and we’ll provide the snacks! We’ll be watching The Aristocats!
To register CLICK HERE or text “MOVIENIGHT” to (903) 437-4437.
Questions? Email Jessie Batson at
Hope: Mighty Men of God- Food and Fellowship
Men, join us for food and fellowship on July 13th from 11 AM-12:30 PM. Chris Walker is firing up the grill, so come dressed cool! This is a free event, but PLEASE sign up at the table in the lobby so we know how much to prepare.
Women’s Bible Study: Fall Kick Off
Join us as we kick off WBS this fall! We’ll meet on Thursday, August 29 from 6-8 PM in the Sanctuary. This event will focus on Creation and the Fall with our speakers Leslie Strader and Inez Colley! A light dinner will be served. To register text “WBSFALLKICKOFF” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Questions? Email Our WBS Team at
Come and Hear: Summer Testimony Series
Come and Hear the amazing things God has done in the lives of Bethel members on July 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st! Our summer testimony series at the Colley home will encourage you in your walk with the Lord and connect you with other Bethel folks. We encourage everyone to try and attend at least one time! Text “TESTIMONY” to (903) 437-4437 to register or CLICK HERE
When: 7:00-8:30 PM Every Wednesday Night in July (7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31)
Where: Colley Home
What: Desserts and testimonies
Questions? Email Jessie Batson at
Baked Potato Fundraiser
Join us on June 23rd for a Baked Potato Lunch to help support our Bethel Team that is headed to Brazil for an Amazon Outreach! Grab your meal to-go, or enjoy a sit-down meal following the second service in the Theater. To register text “LUNCH” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE. Deadline to order is June 21st!
Questions? Email Casey Rivers at
2 Lunch Options
– $12 Loaded Baked Potato: includes butter, sour cream, cheese, chives, bacon bits with choice of brownie or cookie
– $15 BBQ Potato: Includes all the fixings with choice of brownie or cookie
6th-12th Grade Faith and Food Lunch
Students, join us for lunch at Jane and Rick Rogers house after church on Sunday, June 9th!
Text Jane to register at (903) 521-7887.
Houston Mission Trip | June 23-29
The Prestige Learning Institute each summer invites hundreds of immigrant and refugee children to learn about Jesus and experience a week full of entertaining fun! Join us as we partner with this great ministry and Serve as a work crew, children’s assistant teacher, or even a child participant! The trip also includes a cultural immersion tour at a Buddhist and Hindu Temple. Ages 6+.
CLICK HERE to sign up or for more info!
Questions? Email Jeff Bice at
Church Potluck | May 19
Join us for a potluck! We’ll meet after church on May 19th on the playground. Please sign up HERE to bring BBQ or picnic food!
Questions? Email Marty at
Women of Hope Bible Study: The Book of John
Sunday Evenings from 5:30-6:30 PM
Lead by Shannan Mceuen
*childcare available upon request. Please let Marty or Shannon know by Wednesday each week if you need childcare.
To register text “JOHN” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE
Questions? Email Marty Putman at
BSM Night of Worship
All are welcome! Join us on May 22 from 6:30-7:45 PM for an evening of youth-led worship, testimony, and scripture reading!
BSM Summer Kickoff Party
To register text “SUMMERKICKOFF” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE
Calling all students! Join us for an evening to connect with God, each other, serve together in the community, and end the evening with worship!
The fun starts at 12 PM on May 29th at the South Campus.
To register CLICK HERE or text “BSMSERVE” to (903) 437-4437.
Questions? Contact Casey Rivers at
Hope Baptism
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. We love getting to celebrate these life-changing moments with our church family! Baptism will take place on Sunday, May 12th at the Hope Campus after the worship service. CLICK HERE to register or text “HopeBaptism” to (903) 437-4437.
Join us for a Crawfish Boil! All are invited to Chris and Tracy’s home on May 11th at 5 PM. Please bring a dessert or side to share!
To register text “CRAWFISHBOIL” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE
Questions? Please Email Marty at
6th-12th Grade Faith and Food Lunch
Students, join us for lunch at Jane and Rick Rogers house after church on Sunday, May 5th!
Text Jane to register at (903) 521-7887
Join us on May 18th from 8:30-11 AM as we partner with Hunger For Love Homeless Ministry. We’ll help hand out toiletries and clothes, participate in worship, and then end by serving a hot breakfast and sack lunch. All are welcome! Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus, showing compassion, dignity, and hope to our homeless neighbors here in Tyler.
Questions? Email Nancy Bradley at
To register text “HUNGERFORLOVE” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE
South: Discover Bethel
If you are wondering how to find out more about Bethel, how to get involved, or what membership means, Discover Bethel is your next step. We’d love for you to join us at our next Discover Bethel for the South Campus! We will meet on Sunday, May 19th, 2024, following the 2nd worship service. Lunch and childcare (up to 12 years old) are provided.
We kindly ask you to register each person that will be attending separately. To register for childcare, you will see a link on your screen after you register for Discover Bethel.
To register for Discover Bethel text “DISCOVER” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Questions? Please email Chad Bradley at
South WBS Summer Bible Study | May 28th- July 9th
“When You Pray” | Purchase your study HERE
Register for this study by texting “SUMMERSTUDIES” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Tuesday Evenings | 6:30- 8:00 PM
Leslie Strader’s Home | No childcare available
Register for this study by texting “SUMMERSTUDIES” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Visit for service times!
Churchwide Picnic
Join us on April 6th for a church spring picnic at Lake Tyler Petroleum Club from 4-6 pm! Don’t forget to bring a blanket and chairs, your picnic dinner, and a sweet treat to share!
Questions? Email
Join us for a Family Good Friday Service at 6pm at the South Campus. Kids Ministry available for 2 years and under.
South: Baptism
Thank you for your desire to follow the Lord in obedience through baptism! Baptism will take place on Sunday, April 14th under the awning between first and second service. at the South Campus.
Text “SOUTHBAPTISM” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE to register!
RSVP Deadline is April 2! If you have any questions, please email Chad Bradley at
South: Baptism Orientation
Thank you for your desire to follow the Lord in obedience through baptism! Baptism will take place on Sunday, April 14th under the awning between first and second service. at the South Campus. We will also have a required Baptism Orientation on Sunday, April 7th at 12 PM (lunch provided).
Text “SOUTHBAPTISM” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE to register!
RSVP Deadline is April 2! If you have any questions, please email Chad Bradley at
Mighty Men of God Event- Level 5 Friendship with Jeff Kemp
Mark your calendars, and join us for an epic men’s event featuring former NFL player Jeff Kent! We’ll meet on Saturday, April 27th from 10AM-1:30PM at the Hope Worship Center. The cost is $10 whch covers a box lunch from Jason’s Deli. The deadline to register is April 21. Visit to learn more about Jeff.
To register text “MIGHTYMEN” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Questions? Email
Hope Baptism | March 10
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. We love getting to celebrate these life-changing moments with our church family! Baptism will take place on Sunday, March 10 after the worship service (no childcare). CLICK HERE to register or text “HOPEBAPTISM” to (903) 437-4437 to sign up!
If you have any questions, please email Ricky Garner at
Discover Bethel
New to Bethel? or Want to Know More?
If you are wondering how to find out more about Bethel, how to get involved, or what membership means, Discover Bethel is your next step. We’d love for you to join us at our next Discover Bethel for the South Campus! We will meet on Sunday, Feb. 18th, 2023, following the 2nd worship service. Lunch and childcare (up to 12 years old) are provided.
CLICK HERE to register!
To register for childcare, you will see a link on your screen after you register for Discover Bethel or you can click here to be taken to the childcare sign-up.
RSVP deadline is Feb. 16 at 9 PM!
If you have any questions, please email Chad Bradley at
Womenary Class: The Holy Helper: Understanding the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Godhead Trinity – He is God; He is a Person. And yet, The Holy Spirit is perhaps the most misunderstood Member of the Trinity, and that is most likely by His own design. The Holy Spirit has been described as “The shy Member of The Trinity,” always demurring to The Father and The Son. And yet, The Holy Spirit is the Presence of God in every believer, and as such, is the mark of the Church Age. Because of The Holy Spirit, God could literally not be closer to us, and so we as The Church are to be blessed by understanding His ministry in and through our lives. Don’t miss this new 5-week course!
Wednesdays 9:30 – 11:30 AM | 2/7 – 3/6 (5 weeks)
Professor: Eric Barton Location: Bethel Bible, Downtown Tyler Tuition: $65
Register: at
WBS: Meet Me in the Gospel of Luke
To register for this study CLICK HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
WBS: Study of Ephesians (Tuesday Mornings)
To register for this study CLICK HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Our Whitehouse Life Groups typically meet on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at 5:30 PM. The Whitehouse Life Groups meet in various homes throughout Whitehouse.
We will begin meeting in homes on October 2, 2022.
CLICK HERE to view our current Life Groups at the Whitehouse Campus. If you are not in a Life Group and would like to be, please email Clint Wright (email below).
We’ve got a Life Group for kids too! Kids Life Groups for ages birth through 5th grade at the church. Our middle school and high school students are actively involved in the leadership of Kids Life Groups. Click here to register your child for Kids Life Group.
If you have any questions about the Whitehouse Life Groups, please email Clint Wright at
Kids Life Group is a great way for your children to make new friends while learning more about God. Kids Life Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month from 5-7:30 PM at the South Campus! This is open to all children ages 0-12 years old. You do not have to be attending a Life Group in order for your child to attend Kids Life Group! We are excited about the opportunity to teach and serve you and your children. Each month we will have a different theme and we can’t wait to teach your children more about Jesus. If you have any questions, please email Chad Bradley at
CLICK HERE or text “SouthChild” to (903) 437-4437 to sign up!
Remember, please sign up each week so we have the right amount of volunteers to serve your children!
Please register by Friday at noon. Drop-off begins at 5:00 pm on Sunday. You must pick your kids up no later than 7:30 pm.
Cost is $7 per child per meeting. If you need a scholarship, please click here to apply.
Our South Life Groups typically meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 5:30 PM. Our Life Groups meet in various homes throughout the Tyler area.
We will begin meeting in early September!
Not in a Life Group? CLICK HERE to sign up, and we will connect you with a group!
We’ve got a Life Group for Kids too! You do not have to be in a Life Group in order for your child to participate! Children Nursery-Elementary will have a special Bible lesson, music and more so they can grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus together. CLICK HERE to learn more about Kid’s Life Group.
If you have any questions about the South Life Groups, please email Chad Bradley at
South WBS (Women’s Bible Study) Study of Galatians
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Monday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Campus Midweek Meal
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from January 17th- April 24th.
*MidWeek Ministries will NOT meet on March 13th or 27th
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
CLICK HERE to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
Family Fishing Day
Join us on Saturday, January 13 for the Bethel Family Fishing Day. We will be at the Tyler Nature Center (11942 FM 848, Tyler 75707) from 8 AM- 2 PM. No prior experience or license is needed. We will provide the fishing gear and bait and even some helpful tips on cleaning your fish!
Text “FISHING” to (903) 437-4437 to register, or CLICK HERE.
Hope Discover Bethel
New to Bethel? or Want to Know More?
If you are wondering how to find out more about the church, how to get involved, or what membership means, Discover Bethel is your next step. Our next Discover Bethel class will be Sunday, January 21 right after the worship service. Lunch and childcare (0-12 yrs) are provided!
To register CLICK HERE or text “DISCOVERHOPE” to (903) 437-4437.
RSVP by January 19!
South WBS (Women’s Bible Study): Monday Evenings- The Armor of God by Priscilla Schrier
Begins January 22nd *only 8 weeks* Ends March 18th
Register for the study HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
South WBS (Women’s Bible Study): Monday Evenings- The Armor of God by Priscilla Schrier
Begins January 22nd *only 8 weeks* Ends March 18th
Register for the study HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
South WBS (Women’s Bible Study): Monday Evenings- The Armor of God by Priscilla Schrier
Begins January 22nd *only 8 weeks* Ends March 18th
Register for the study HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
South WBS (Women’s Bible Study): Monday Evenings- The Armor of God by Priscilla Schrier
Begins January 22nd *only 8 weeks* Ends March 18th
Register for the study HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
South WBS (Women’s Bible Study): Monday Evenings- The Armor of God by Priscilla Schrier
Begins January 22nd *only 8 weeks* Ends March 18th
Register for the study HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
South WBS (Women’s Bible Study): Monday Evenings- The Armor of God by Priscilla Schrier
Begins January 22nd *only 8 weeks* Ends March 18th
Register for the study HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
South WBS (Women’s Bible Study): Monday Evenings- The Armor of God by Priscilla Schrier
Begins January 22nd *only 8 weeks* Ends March 18th
Register for the study HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
South WBS (Women’s Bible Study): Monday Evenings- The Armor of God by Priscilla Schrier
Begins January 22nd *only 8 weeks* Ends March 18th
Register for the study HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
South WBS (Women’s Bible Study): Monday Evenings- The Armor of God by Priscilla Schrier
Begins January 22nd *only 8 weeks* Ends March 18th
Register for the study HERE or text “SOUTHWBS” to (903) 437-4437.
Middle School Mix Camp
Thanks for your interest in Mix Camp 2024!
Sign up today to reserve your spot! This year we will be at Camp Copass in Denton, TX June 17-21.
Cost: $475 total
We are able to offer a limited amount of partial scholarships ($200) for students who may need them. Please click here to fill out the scholarship form before you register for camp.
CLICK HERE to register for camp or text “MIX” to (903) 437-4437.
What is MIX Camp?
MIX is a four-day summer event specifically designed for students in 6th-8th grade. It is intentionally crafted in ways that will engage middle school students through tactile, interactive, and fun activities coupled with Bible-based teaching and small group interaction. Click here to learn more.
South BSM Fundraiser: Valentine’s Babysitting Night
Help support the South Student Ministry through a Valentine’s Babysitting Night! We’ll watch your kiddos (ages 3 and up, if potty trained) so you can enjoy a Valentine’s Date. Cost is $40 per family. Drop off or pick up anytime between 5:30-8:30 PM on February 16th at the South Campus Theater. We will have crafts, games, and a snack.
Register by texting “VALENTINE” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE
RSVP by Feb. 14th!
Questions? Email Shelby at
Hope In The Word
Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!
Hope In The Word
Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!
Hope In The Word
Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!
Hope In The Word
Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!
Hope In The Word
Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!
Hope In The Word
Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!
Hope In The Word
Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!
Hope In The Word
Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Downtown and Hope WBS (Women’s Bible Study) | January 11-March 7
Thank you for your interest in WBS! Christ’s death has brought in the age of the new covenant, justification by faith alone, but what about the old one? Paul explains in the letter to the Galatians. Come join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word. Cost of the study is $20. CLICK HERE to register.
Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM
Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost)
Click here to register for childcare
Thursday Evenings | 6-8:30 PM
Childcare not available.
Questions? Please email Robin Gillmore at
Whitehouse Baptism
Thank you for your desire to follow the Lord in obedience through baptism. Baptism will take place on Sunday, January 28 during the worship service. Those being baptized and the person baptizing them must attend Baptism Orientation on Sunday, January 21 after the service.
Register HERE or text “WHBAPTISM” to (903) 437-4437.
Contact Clint Wright at with any questions.
Henderson Discover Bethel
Curious to learn more about Bethel? Have questions you’d like to ask? Look no further than Discover Bethel! We will have our next DB on Sunday, December 17th! Lunch and Childcare will be provided, all you have to do is let us know you’re coming!
To reserve your spot, simply text “DiscoverHen” to 903.437.4437! If you have any questions at all, please contact Dyllon Sanford.
Whitehouse Youth Christmas Party
When: December 13 at 6:00 PM
Where: Mills Home (21441 Mixon Rd. Troup)
What: Bring a gift (under $10) for an exchange!
Hope Christmas Eve
Join us for a Christmas Play, The Real Meaning of Christmas at 5:00 PM on December 24th.
Friday Fun Day
Join us on the first Friday of each month for Friday Funday from 10-11:30 AM! This is open to all campuses Nursery, Preschool kiddos, and their parents. This month we will be meeting at the Bethel South Campus decorating Christmas cards for the residents at Atria Senior Living. We will provide drinks and snacks.
RSVP to Jessica Hyde at
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from September 6th-November 13.
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
Click here to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
South Family Christmas Party
Everyone is invited to our Bethel Family Christmas Party on Monday, December 18 at 5:30-7:00 PM. We’ll meet in the South Campus Sanctuary.
We’ll have a Christmas movie, Build Your Own Gingerbread House, snacks, and a missions opportunity!
Text “CHRISTMAS” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE to register! Make sure to register by December 15. See you there!
BSM Annual Tacky Christmas Party
Students! Join us for our annual Tacky Christmas Party on December 13th at 6:00 PM! Bring a snack to share and come dressed in your tackiest! Register below!
Questions? Email Casey Rivers at
South: BSM Friendsgiving
BSM Friendsgiving
Youth, join us for a Friendsgiving Meal on November 5th at 5:00 PM! Enjoy some great food, games, music, and spend time together.
Please CLICK HERE to register and sign-up for food!
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at
Whitehouse Youth Fun Night- Fall Edition
Youth! Join us for a special Wednesday night! We’ll have pizza and pumpkin painting from 6:00-8:00 PM!
Whitehouse Concession Stand Volunteer Sign-Up
Help serve our community by volunteering in the concession stand in the Junior High Stadium on October 27th! There are 2 shifts available. 6:30-8:30 pm and 8:30-10:30 pm.
Please CLICK HERE to sign up!
Questions? Please call Adrian Winfield at (360) 262-6416
South BSM Bonfire
Youth! Celebrate our last Wednesday Night Live of the semester on November 15th with us! We will have s’mores, hot chocolate, music, and games. We’ll meet on the Bethel South Student Lawn at 6:30 PM.
South Students!
Join us for a fun day at Six Flags on Monday, November 20th! We will meet at the South Campus at 10:15 AM and leave by 11 AM. Cost is $55 and includes your ticket and lunch. Bring extra money for Buccees and dinner at Six Flags.
To register text “SIXFLAGS” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE
Questions? Email Shelby Skiles at or Casey Rivers at
Guy’s Bowling Night
Men, come hang out and join us for a Guy’s Bowling Night at Times Square Grand Slam on Oct. 20th from 6-8 PM. Your registration fee will cover 2 hours of bowling, 3 rounds of appetizers, lemonade, tea, and soft drinks.
To register text “HANGOUT” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
If you are wondering how to find out more about the church, how to get involved, or what membership means, Discover Bethel is your next step. We’d love for you to join us for our next Discover Bethel for the Whitehouse Campus! We will meet on Wednesday evening, Oct. 25th at 6:00 pm. Dinner and childcare (up to 12 years old) are provided. Please RSVP by Oct. 23rd.
To register text “DISCOVERWH” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
If you have any questions, please email Corrine Williams at
Triumph Village Fellowship
Join us on Saturday, October 21st from 4:30-6:30 PM at Triumph Village for some BBQ, games, and a time of fellowship! Bethel has partnered with Triumph Village, a Christian recovery center for men, for many years. Our desire is to show these men, in a safe environment, that we as the church love them, accept them, and believe in them. Everyone is invited, including the men’s families! There will be a corn hole and ping pong tournament, pickleball, football, soccer, and pumpkin painting!
Text “TRIUMPH” to (903-437-4437) to register or CLICK HERE.
Mother-Son Bowling Event
We’re so excited about our Mother-Son Bowling event! This is open to all mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sons! We’ll meet at Times Square Grand Slam in Tyler on Sunday, October 22 from 2-4 PM.
Cost is $10 per person which includes your bowling, shoes, pizza & a drink! Make sure to bring a pair of socks or you can purchase a pair the day of.
Text “BOWL” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE to register!
Questions? Email Corrine Williams at We can’t wait to see you there!
South Discover Bethel | October 8th
New to Bethel? or Want to Know More?
If you are wondering how to find out more about Bethel, how to get involved, or what membership means, Discover Bethel is your next step. We’d love for you to join us at our next Discover Bethel for the South Campus! We will meet on Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023, following the 2nd worship service. Lunch and childcare (up to 12 years old) are provided.
We kindly ask you to register each person that will be attending separately HERE.
To register for childcare, you will see a link on your screen after you register for Discover Bethel or you can click here to be taken to the childcare sign-up.
RSVP deadline is Oct. 1 at 9 PM!
If you have any questions, please email Chad Bradley at
Join us for a Youth Fun Night! We’ll have Pizza and games from 6-9 PM!
Questions? Email Josh and Molly Mills at
Whitehouse Tailgate
Join us for our LAST tailgate this season! This is a great time to enjoy a meal and fellowship before the football game. Invite your friends, neighbors, or anyone to join us!
Sign up below so we know how much
food to prepare! The Tailgate will be Friday, October 27th from 6-7 PM behind Christian Education Ministries (312 W Main Street, Whitehouse, TX). Please register by the Thursday before each home game. To register text TAILGATE to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
We will need a few volunteers to help bring food items to share! If you’d like to help, click this FOOD SIGN-UP LINK
Questions? Email Clint Wright at
Whitehouse Tailgate
Join us for our second tailgate this season! This is a great time to enjoy a meal and fellowship before the football game. Invite your friends, neighbors, or anyone to join us!
Sign up below so we know how much
food to prepare! The Tailgate will be Friday, September 22th from 6-7 PM behind Christian Education Ministries (312 W Main Street, Whitehouse, TX). Please register by the Thursday before each home game. To register text TAILGATE to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
We will need a few volunteers to help bring food items to share! If you’d like to help, click this FOOD SIGN-UP LINK
Questions? Email Clint Wright at
Whitehouse Tailgate
Join us for our first tailgate this season! This is a great time to enjoy a meal and fellowship before the football game. Invite your friends, neighbors, or anyone to join us!
Sign up below so we know how much
food to prepare! The Tailgate will be Friday, September 15th from 6-7 PM behind Christian Education Ministries (312 W Main Street, Whitehouse, TX). Please register by the Thursday before each home game. To register text TAILGATE to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
We will need a few volunteers to help bring food items to share! If you’d like to help, click this FOOD SIGN-UP LINK
Questions? Email Clint Wright at
Whitehouse Women’s Bible Study (WBS)
We’re looking forward to a new study this Fall! Women’s Bible Study (WBS) is a chance for you to connect with other women as you grow deeper in your walk with Jesus.
This semester we will study Hebrews and other selected books of the Bible! We plan to use Workman of the Word. We are offering this study on Wednesday evenings (begins September 13) at 6:30pm in the Connections Room.
To register text WHWBS to (903 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from September 6th-November 13.
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
Click here to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from September 6th-November 13.
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
Click here to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from September 6th-November 13.
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
Click here to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from September 6th-November 13.
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
Click here to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from September 6th-November 13.
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
Click here to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from September 6th-November 13.
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
Click here to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from September 6th-November 13.
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
Click here to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from September 6th-November 13.
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
Click here to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we will have dinner in the Sanctuary. Cost is $5 per adult and $2 per child (3 child max; if you have more than 3 children, you will only have to pay for 3). We kindly ask you to register each week (by Tuesday at 12 PM) so we know how many are coming. Our Fall Midweek Meal will run from September 6th-November 13.
Click here to RSVP.
*Make sure to register on the Tuesday before each week by 12 PM.*
Click here to see our MidWeek Menu!
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Our third Iron Society Event will be a Clay Shoot on Saturday September 16th from 9-11 AM at Rose City Flying Clays- 8474 County Road 485.
Our Clay Shoot competition will feature three shooting stations – Trap, Skeet, and 5-Stand. Each station will comprise 25 targets. The shooter with the cumulative best score from the three shooting stations will be awarded the Jack of All Trades Trophy as the Crack Shot!
Cost: Rose City Flying Clays charges $9.50 plus tax per 25 target round, totaling about $30 for 3 rounds or 75 targets.
Shooters are required to bring their own shotgun and shells to the event. Rose City will not provide a gun or sell shells. If you don’t have a shotgun, we will ask members of Bethel to loan you a gun.
The first 25 to signup will receive a $20 discount off the cost of targets – that’s 2 out 3 stations paid for!
To register text “IRON” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE
If you have any questions, please email Chad Bradley at
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 7th at 12 PM (Ends May) at The Foundry Coffeehouse on the 3rd floor. 202 S Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 7th at 12 PM (Ends May) at The Foundry Coffeehouse on the 3rd floor. 202 S Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 7th at 12 PM (Ends May) at The Foundry Coffeehouse on the 3rd floor. 202 S Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 7th at 12 PM (Ends May) at The Foundry Coffeehouse on the 3rd floor. 202 S Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 7th at 12 PM (Ends May) at The Foundry Coffeehouse on the 3rd floor. 202 S Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 7th at 12 PM (Ends May) at The Foundry Coffeehouse on the 3rd floor. 202 S Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 7th at 12 PM (Ends May) at The Foundry Coffeehouse on the 3rd floor. 202 S Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 7th at 12 PM (Ends May) at The Foundry Coffeehouse on the 3rd floor. 202 S Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 7th at 12 PM (Ends May) at The Foundry Coffeehouse on the 3rd floor. 202 S Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 6th at 6:30 PM (Ends May) at the South Campus (room TBA). 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75703
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
MidWeek Kids
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! Please register your child, by clicking here.
MidWeek Meal
Now on Wednesday Evenings, we will have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Campus Sanctuary. If you have not already registered, please click here to sign up.
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 6th at 6:30 PM (Ends May) at the South Campus (room TBA). 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75703
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
MidWeek Kids
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! Please register your child, by clicking here.
MidWeek Meal
Now on Wednesday Evenings, we will have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Campus Sanctuary. If you have not already registered, please click here to sign up.
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 6th at 6:30 PM (Ends May) at the South Campus (room TBA). 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75703
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
MidWeek Kids
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! Please register your child, by clicking here.
MidWeek Meal
Now on Wednesday Evenings, we will have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Campus Sanctuary. If you have not already registered, please click here to sign up.
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 6th at 6:30 PM (Ends May) at the South Campus (room TBA). 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75703
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
MidWeek Kids
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! Please register your child, by clicking here.
MidWeek Meal
Now on Wednesday Evenings, we will have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Campus Sanctuary. If you have not already registered, please click here to sign up.
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 6th at 6:30 PM (Ends May) at the South Campus (room TBA). 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75703
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
MidWeek Kids
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! Please register your child, by clicking here.
MidWeek Meal
Now on Wednesday Evenings, we will have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Campus Sanctuary. If you have not already registered, please click here to sign up.
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 6th at 6:30 PM (Ends May) at the South Campus (room TBA). 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75703
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
MidWeek Kids
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! Please register your child, by clicking here.
MidWeek Meal
Now on Wednesday Evenings, we will have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Campus Sanctuary. If you have not already registered, please click here to sign up.
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 6th at 6:30 PM (Ends May) at the South Campus (room TBA). 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75703
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
MidWeek Kids
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! Please register your child, by clicking here.
MidWeek Meal
Now on Wednesday Evenings, we will have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Campus Sanctuary. If you have not already registered, please click here to sign up.
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 6th at 6:30 PM (Ends May) at the South Campus (room TBA). 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75703
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
MidWeek Kids
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! Please register your child, by clicking here.
MidWeek Meal
Now on Wednesday Evenings, we will have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Campus Sanctuary. If you have not already registered, please click here to sign up.
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 6th at 6:30 PM (Ends May) at the South Campus (room TBA). 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75703
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
MidWeek Kids
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! Please register your child, by clicking here.
MidWeek Meal
Now on Wednesday Evenings, we will have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Campus Sanctuary. If you have not already registered, please click here to sign up.
Join other Bethel Men as we journey through the Navigators 2:7 Study. This study consists of three 11-week studies where we will learn how to memorize and apply scripture to our lives, share our faith, and develop practical ways to spend time in the Word. This study will begin in the Fall and last through May 2024.
Cost is $35 which includes all three of your books. You can also select the Pay Later option. If you select the Pay Later option, please bring your payment on the first day of the study (check or cash).
If you are unable to pay, please enter the code “FULL” at checkout to receive a full discount. This study begins on September 6th at 6:30 PM (Ends May) at the South Campus (room TBA). 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75703
CLICK HERE to register for Men’s Discipleship Group!
MidWeek Kids
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! Please register your child, by clicking here.
MidWeek Meal
Now on Wednesday Evenings, we will have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Campus Sanctuary. If you have not already registered, please click here to sign up.
Whitehouse Life Group Kick Off
We’re excited about your interest in Life Groups!
All Life groups will kickoff together on Sunday, September 17 from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Sanctuary!
Text “COMMUNITY” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HEREto register!
Kids Life Group will also kickoff on this evening CLICK HERE to register.
South Baby Dedication
As parents, we have been entrusted with the precious gift of our children’s lives. Baby Dedication is a time to come together as a family and as the Church and intentionally pray for your child’s relationship with the Lord.
We are excited to host Baby Dedication on Sunday, October 22 during the 2nd service (10:30 AM) in South Sanctuary.
To register CLICK HERE to text “BABY” to 903.437.4437.
South Baby Dedication Brunch
October 21 | 10 AM
This brunch is for all family members (parents, siblings, grandparents, etc.) whole are dedicating a child at the South Campus.
South Baby Dedication Parent Orientation
October 1 | 12 PM
This is a required Orientation for all Parents dedicating their babies. We will be meeting at 12 PM in room C204.
Whitehouse Baby Dedication
Sunday, October 8, will be a special day at Bethel Bible Church as dads and moms gather with their families in the dedication of their children. If you have a child, newborn to 2 years old, we invite you to be a part of this Baby Dedication Celebration.
To prepare for our celebration you will need to attend our Baby Dedication Parent Meeting on Sunday, September 24 at 11:30 AM in the Sanctuary.We will cover all of the details to help you prepare for your Baby Dedication Celebration.
To register CLICK HERE or text “DEDICATION” to 903.437.4437.
If you have any questions, please email Corine Williams at
South Baptism
Thank you for your desire to follow the Lord in obedience through baptism!
Baptism will take place on Sunday, September 24th at the South Campus during the Fall Festival.
To register CLICK HERE or text “SOUTHBAPTISM” to 903.437.4437.
South Baptism Parent Orientation
Required Baptism Orientation on Sunday, September 17th at 12 PM in the Theater (lunch provided), to discuss baptism and explain the details of the service.
WBS: 1,2,3 John & Joseph | Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM
Childcare is available for both of these studies.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
WBS: 1,2,3 John & Joseph | Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM
Childcare is available for both of these studies.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
WBS: 1,2,3 John & Joseph | Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM
Childcare is available for both of these studies.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
WBS: 1,2,3 John & Joseph | Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM
Childcare is available for both of these studies.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
WBS: 1,2,3 John & Joseph | Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM
Childcare is available for both of these studies.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
WBS: 1,2,3 John & Joseph | Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM
Childcare is available for both of these studies.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
WBS: 1,2,3 John & Joseph | Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM
Childcare is available for both of these studies.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
WBS: 1,2,3 John & Joseph | Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM
Childcare is available for both of these studies.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
WBS: 1,2,3 John & Joseph | Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM
Childcare is available for both of these studies.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
WBS: 1,2,3 John & Joseph | Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM
Childcare is available for both of these studies.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
Abide 1,2,3, John & Meet Me In Exodus| Tuesday’s 9:30-11 AM
Childcare is available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
Abide 1,2,3, John & Meet Me In Exodus| Tuesday’s 9:30-11 AM
Childcare is available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
Abide 1,2,3, John & Meet Me In Exodus| Tuesday’s 9:30-11 AM
Childcare is available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
Abide 1,2,3, John & Meet Me In Exodus| Tuesday’s 9:30-11 AM
Childcare is available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
Abide 1,2,3, John & Meet Me In Exodus| Tuesday’s 9:30-11 AM
Childcare is available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
Abide 1,2,3, John & Meet Me In Exodus| Tuesday’s 9:30-11 AM
Childcare is available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
Abide 1,2,3, John & Meet Me In Exodus| Tuesday’s 9:30-11 AM
Childcare is available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
Abide 1,2,3, John & Meet Me In Exodus| Tuesday’s 9:30-11 AM
Childcare is available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
Abide 1,2,3, John & Meet Me In Exodus| Tuesday’s 9:30-11 AM
Childcare is available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
Abide 1,2,3, John & Meet Me In Exodus| Tuesday’s 9:30-11 AM
Childcare is available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
1 Peter | Monday evenings from 7-9 PM
Childcare is NOT available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
1 Peter | Monday evenings from 7-9 PM
Childcare is NOT available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
1 Peter | Monday evenings from 7-9 PM
Childcare is NOT available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
1 Peter | Monday evenings from 7-9 PM
Childcare is NOT available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
1 Peter | Monday evenings from 7-9 PM
Childcare is NOT available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
1 Peter | Monday evenings from 7-9 PM
Childcare is NOT available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
1 Peter | Monday evenings from 7-9 PM
Childcare is NOT available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
1 Peter | Monday evenings from 7-9 PM
Childcare is NOT available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
1 Peter | Monday evenings from 7-9 PM
Childcare is NOT available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
1 Peter | Monday evenings from 7-9 PM
Childcare is NOT available for this study.
CLICK HERE to register or text “SOUTHWBS” to 903.437.4437.
2023 Fall Festival | September 24
Join us on Sept. 24th from 4-6pm for a Fall Festival featuring baptisms, hot dogs, games, and face painting! This is a great opportunity for life groups to attend together and reconnect!
To register text “FESTIVAL” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE
Questions? Email Jessie Batson at
South Baptism | September 24th
Thank you for your desire to follow the Lord in obedience through baptism! Baptism will take place on Sunday, September 24th at the South Campus. We will also have a required Baptism Orientation on Sunday, Sept. 17th at 12 PM (lunch provided).
To register text “SOUTHBAPTISM” to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE.
RSVP Deadline is Sept. 10th! If you have any questions, please email Chad Bradley at
Men’s Buffalo River Trip Informational Meeting | Sept. 10
Come learn about the Men’s Buffalo River Trip! We’ll be meeting at 2:00 pm in the WH Connections Room.
Men’s Buffalo River Trip | Sept. 20- 24th
Join us for an adventure on the Buffalo River! Registration costs $250 per person (at registration or bring your payment later). Spots fill up fast, so make sure to register today! We’ll have an informational meeting in the WH Connections Room on Sunday, September 10th at 2:00 pm.
To register CLICK HERE
Nicaragua Mission Trip | October 14-21, 2023 (All Campus)
One team will be working with IBAC (Institutos Biblicos de America Central) to train indigenous pastors and provide medical help to the local community through partner churches. Another team will be a medical mission team providing free clinics through the churches to the local people of Ometepe. Cost is $2,950.
Our Whitehouse Life Groups typically meet on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at 5:30 PM. The Whitehouse Life Groups meet in various homes throughout Whitehouse.
We will begin meeting in homes on October 2, 2022.
CLICK HERE to view our current Life Groups at the Whitehouse Campus. If you are not in a Life Group and would like to be, please email Clint Wright (email below).
We’ve got a Life Group for kids too! Kids Life Groups for ages birth through 5th grade at the church. Our middle school and high school students are actively involved in the leadership of Kids Life Groups. Click here to register your child for Kids Life Group.
If you have any questions about the Whitehouse Life Groups, please email Clint Wright at
Our Men’s Groups will use the Navigators 2:7 study divided into three separate studies. Each group will have 6-8 men. Throughout each study, you will memorize scripture, learn how to share your faith, and learn practical ways to spend time with the Lord. Each study is 11 weeks. We will begin on September 1st at 12 PM at Clear Springs Restaurant (address below)
*There are also two other locations for this group if this time does not work for you. Click the link below to learn more.
CLICK HERE or text “NAV” to (903) 437-4437
Cost: $20 (includes your books); scholarships available
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Our Men’s Groups will use the Navigators 2:7 study divided into three separate studies. Each group will have 6-8 men. Throughout each study, you will memorize scripture, learn how to share your faith, and learn practical ways to spend time with the Lord. Each study is 11 weeks. We will begin on August 31st at the Bethel South Campus.
*There are also two other locations for this group if this time does not work for you. Click the link below to learn more.
CLICK HERE or text “NAV” to (903) 437-4437
Cost: $20 (includes your books); scholarships available
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
MidWeek Meal (Wednesday Evenings only)
On Wednesday evenings we also have a MidWeek Meal at 6 PM in the South Sanctuary! Cost is $5 per adult; $2 per child (3 max; if you have more than 3 children, you only pay for 3). Sign up for the MidWeek Meal by clicking here. Please remember to register each week!
MidWeek Kids (Wednesday Evenings only)
Nursery-age-5th grade children are invited to participate in Midweek Kids at 6:30 PM! This is a great time for kids to make new friends while learning about God! Please register your child, by clicking here.
Our Men’s Groups will use the Navigators 2:7 study divided into three separate studies. Each group will have 6-8 men. Throughout each study, you will memorize scripture, learn how to share your faith, and learn practical ways to spend time with the Lord. Each study is 11 weeks. We will begin on August 31st at 6:30 AM at The Foundry Coffeehouse (address below).
*There are also two other locations for this group if this time does not work for you. Click the link below to learn more.
CLICK HERE or text “NAV” to (903) 437-4437
Cost: $20 (includes your books); scholarships available
Questions? Email Chad Bradley at
Kids Life Group is a great way for your children to make new friends while learning more about God. Kids Life Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month from 5-7:30 PM at the South Campus! This is open to all children ages 0-12 years old. You do not have to be attending a Life Group in order for your child to attend Kids Life Group! We are excited about the opportunity to teach and serve you and your children. Each month we will have a different theme and we can’t wait to teach your children more about Jesus. If you have any questions, please email Chad Bradley at
CLICK HERE or text “SouthChild” to (903) 437-4437 to sign up!
Remember, please sign up each week so we have the right amount of volunteers to serve your children!
Please register by Friday at noon. Drop-off begins at 5:00 pm on Sunday. You must pick your kids up no later than 7:30 pm.
Cost is $7 per child per meeting. If you need a scholarship, please click here to apply.
Our South Life Groups typically meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 5:30 PM. Our Life Groups meet in various homes throughout the Tyler area.
We will begin meeting in early September!
Not in a Life Group? CLICK HERE to sign up, and we will connect you with a group!
We’ve got a Life Group for Kids too! You do not have to be in a Life Group in order for your child to participate! Children Nursery-Elementary will have a special Bible lesson, music and more so they can grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus together. CLICK HERE to learn more about Kid’s Life Group.
If you have any questions about the South Life Groups, please email Chad Bradley at
Join us on the first Friday of each month for Friday Funday from 10-11:30 AM! This is open to all Nursery and Preschool kiddos and their parents!
We will change the location each month. We will provide snacks, drinks, crafts/games, and more!
RSVP to Jessica Hyde each month via email:
We will send out the location closer to time each month.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.
We have partnered with the East Texas Food Bank to provide free groceries to those in need in our community! We have a monthly food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 PM at the Bethel Hope Campus (504 W 32nd St, Tyler 75702) parking lot. No forms, paperwork, or ID are required.