Men's Ministry

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God’s Word says we are designed for community. At Bethel, we want to create opportunities for people to be known and to know others..


Giving financially is a personal way to worship. It’s convenient, immediate, and most importantly, SECURE.

Why Men's Ministry?

The Men’s Ministry at Bethel Bible Church exists to produce Christ-like men who give their lives to be leaders in the Church, the home, and the community. It is our desire that the lives of our men will be transformed through God’s Word, and be equipped with the necessary tools to represent Christ boldly in every part of their daily lives.

Men’s Bible studies are held in Tyler and Henderson at various times. We also have men’s events scheduled throughout the year. For more information about Men’s Ministries, please email

“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”
1 Corinthians 16:13-14


7:00 PM — SPAR (Sharpen, Pray, Affirm, Repent) Downtown Campus (2nd floor) – Led by Mark Alderson (


6:41 AM — Downtown Campus (2nd floor) – Led by Ross Strader (


6:00 AM — The Home of Hal Everett – Led by Hal Everett (

6:30 PM — South Campus Room C205) – Led by Taylor Heaton & James Larson (

1:30 PM — Bethel South, Room C103 – Led by  Jeff Bice (


6:00 AM — Hushpuppies Restaurant (Henderson) – Led by Jacob Davis ( 

12 PM — NAV 2:7 Men’s Group, The Foundry – Led by Josh Aduddell and Glenn Yeager (


6:30 AM — Downtown Campus (2nd Floor) – Led by Andrew Lindstrom (