WBS Devotionals

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About WBS Devotionals

Bethel WBS Devotionals are meant to draw women closer to the heart of God through the sharing of His Word, truth, and transformative grace. From beginning to end, the Bible contains a message of hope and healing, teaching us to follow after the Lord by walking in freedom and steadfast faith. It tells the story of Christ’s love for His people and calls us to model that love while honoring Him in all that we do.

Join us each month as we seek to grow in the grace and knowledge of our extraordinary God and live out the good work He sets before us!

Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

Romans 12:2

When Grace & Suffering Meet


“She’s not going to make it.” Those words rang in my ears over and over as my dad, my brother, and I sat in the consultation room with the doctor. We had been in the hospital for what felt like months, although it had been only a few hours. The only world I had ever known was coming to a complete and forceful halt…

Facing Our Fiery Trials


Fire, in its most natural form, is destructive. One exception is the case of the flowering Banksia shrub. When wildfires threaten, not only is the Banksia able to survive scorching flames, but fire is the mechanism that brings life and great beauty from this strange desert plant…

Longing for God


I know nothing about plants. Nothing. But late this past spring, I got an itch to have something pretty on my front porch. I loaded up my four year old, and we decided on a couple pots that caught our eye at the nursery. Unfortunately, most days I forget to water them. My little guy is usually the one who reminds me that they need water. But on the days that I don’t have his sweet little voice reminding me to venture outside, my once beautiful plants look fairly limp…

Asking Great Things of a Great God


My husband is great at seeing the big picture in every situation. He’s a visionary, always looking ahead and beyond. No one has ever accused me of that. I love details, and the more uncomfortable I am with a situation, the more comfort details provide…

Faith in the midst of sorrow


It’s no secret that the book of Psalms is meant to instruct us. There are psalms of praise, thanksgiving, remembrance, and also sorrow. These psalms focusing on the writers’ sorrows are called “lament psalms.” There are 59 of them, the most of any genre of Psalms…



The Israelites were on the banks of the Jordan River, preparing at last to cross over into the Promised Land when they received this sobering warning to “take care, lest [they] forget the Lord.” God had delivered them out of slavery in Egypt with mighty works of power. He had provided for them in the wilderness for 40 years, even as they grumbled and complained about the heavenly carbs…

Listening to the right voice


Over the holidays, I would wake up and flip the switch on the Christmas tree, illuminating the branches in a soft, white glow. Then, I would light a festive candle and turn on some Christmas music. Our whole family loves Christmas music, our daughter especially. But whenever she started reading her Bible verses for the day, she always asked me to turn the music off. She couldn’t focus on reading with other words and noise in the background…