Hope: Women of Hope Study of Acts

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Women of Hope Bible Study: The Book of Acts Sunday Evenings from 5:30-6:30 PM Lead by Shannan Mceuen *childcare is available upon request. Please let Marty or Shannon know by Wednesday each week if you need childcare. Questions? Email Marty Putman at hopeadmin@bethelbible.com

Event Series South: WBS 1 Peter

South: WBS 1 Peter

Bethel South Campus 17121 Hwy 69 South, Tyler, TX, United States

Our inheritance through Christ is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. In 1 Peter, a man of faith and flaws and eyewitness to the life of Christ challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to a future inheritance. He shares his concerns on big-picture issues for the early church, describes believers’ true identity in Christ, and […]

Event Series South WBS: Psalms

South WBS: Psalms

Bethel South Campus 17121 Hwy 69 South, Tyler, TX, United States

INDUCTIVE STUDY OF PSALMS THIS STUDY IS OFFERED ON: TUESDAY MORNING | 9:30 PM-11:30 AM | Starting Jan. 14th at the South Campus Childcare is available for this study. SIGN UP HERE

Event Series South: MidWeek Meal

South: MidWeek Meal

Bethel South Campus 17121 Hwy 69 South, Tyler, TX, United States

MidWeek Meal  We're excited to offer a Wednesday Night Meal from January 15th- April 9th! Please register below so we know how much food to prepare. We will meet at 6 PM each Wednesday in the Sanctuary. Please register each week! Please RSVP by Monday at 12:30 PM! Cost is $5 per adult; $2 per child […]

Event Series Downtown: WBS Study of John

Downtown: WBS Study of John

Downtown Campus 202 S. Broadway, Tyler, TX, United States

Thursday Mornings | 9-11:30 AM January 16th- April 3rd Study of the Book of John Come join us as we dive deeper into God's Word. Limited Nursery-Preschool Childcare Available (no cost) Click here to register for childcare Register HERE

South: College and Young Adults Class

Bethel South Campus 17121 Hwy 69 South, Tyler, TX, United States

College and Young Adults Our College and Young Adults Ministry is a place for young adults to gather together around God’s Word in community in order to learn, grow, and encourage each other while being discipled by Godly adults. When: Sundays, 9 AM- 10:15 AM Where: Bethel South, Room C107 (Primary Floor Education Building) Contact: […]

Hope: Women of Hope Study of Acts

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Women of Hope Bible Study: The Book of Acts Sunday Evenings from 5:30-6:30 PM Lead by Shannan Mceuen *childcare is available upon request. Please let Marty or Shannon know by Wednesday each week if you need childcare. Questions? Email Marty Putman at hopeadmin@bethelbible.com