Hope: Women of Hope Study of Acts

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Women of Hope Bible Study: The Book of Acts Sunday Evenings from 5:30-6:30 PM Lead by Shannan Mceuen *childcare is available upon request. Please let Marty or Shannon know by Wednesday each week if you need childcare. Questions? Email Marty Putman at hopeadmin@bethelbible.com

Middle School MIX Camp

Camp Copass 8200 East McKinney St, Denton, TX, United States

Middle School Mix Camp Thanks for your interest in Mix Camp 2024! Sign up today to reserve your spot! This year we will be at Camp Copass in Denton, TX  June 17-21. Cost: $475 total RSVP DEADLINE: May 6 SCHOLARSHIPS We are able to offer a limited amount of partial scholarships ($200) for students who […]

South: WBS Summer Bible Study AM

Bethel South Campus 17121 Hwy 69 South, Tyler, TX, United States

South WBS Summer Bible Study | May 28th- July 9th "When You Pray" | Purchase your study HERE Register for this study by texting "SUMMERSTUDIES" to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE. Tuesday Mornings | 9:30- 11:30 AM South Campus Theater | If you need childcare please CLICK HERE.

Houston Mission Trip

Houston Mission Trip | June 23-29 The Prestige Learning Institute each summer invites hundreds of immigrant and refugee children to learn about Jesus and experience a week full of entertaining fun! Join us as we partner with this great ministry and Serve as a work crew, children's assistant teacher, or even a child participant! The […]

South: Baked Potato Lunch

Bethel South Campus 17121 Hwy 69 South, Tyler, TX, United States

Baked Potato Fundraiser  Join us on June 23rd for a Baked Potato Lunch to help support our Bethel Team that is headed to Brazil for an Amazon Outreach! Grab your meal to-go, or enjoy a sit-down meal following the second service in the Theater. To register text "LUNCH" to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE. Deadline to […]

Hope: Women of Hope Study of Acts

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Women of Hope Bible Study: The Book of Acts Sunday Evenings from 5:30-6:30 PM Lead by Shannan Mceuen *childcare is available upon request. Please let Marty or Shannon know by Wednesday each week if you need childcare. Questions? Email Marty Putman at hopeadmin@bethelbible.com

South: WBS Summer Bible Study AM

Bethel South Campus 17121 Hwy 69 South, Tyler, TX, United States

South WBS Summer Bible Study | May 28th- July 9th "When You Pray" | Purchase your study HERE Register for this study by texting "SUMMERSTUDIES" to (903) 437-4437 or CLICK HERE. Tuesday Mornings | 9:30- 11:30 AM South Campus Theater | If you need childcare please CLICK HERE.

Hope: Women of Hope Study of Acts

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Women of Hope Bible Study: The Book of Acts Sunday Evenings from 5:30-6:30 PM Lead by Shannan Mceuen *childcare is available upon request. Please let Marty or Shannon know by Wednesday each week if you need childcare. Questions? Email Marty Putman at hopeadmin@bethelbible.com