Event Series Hope: Hope In The Word

Hope: Hope In The Word

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Hope In The Word Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!

Family Fishing Day

Tyler Nature Center 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX, United States

Family Fishing Day Join us on Saturday, January 13  for the Bethel Family Fishing Day. We will be at the Tyler Nature Center (11942 FM 848, Tyler 75707) from 8 AM- 2 PM. No prior experience or license is needed. We will provide the fishing gear and bait and even some helpful tips on cleaning your […]

Event Series Hope: Hope In The Word

Hope: Hope In The Word

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Hope In The Word Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!

Hope: Discover Bethel

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Hope Discover Bethel New to Bethel? or Want to Know More? If you are wondering how to find out more about the church, how to get involved, or what membership means, Discover Bethel is your next step. Our next Discover Bethel class will be Sunday, January 21 right after the worship service. Lunch and childcare (0-12 […]

Event Series Hope: Hope In The Word

Hope: Hope In The Word

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Hope In The Word Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!

Event Series Hope: Hope In The Word

Hope: Hope In The Word

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Hope In The Word Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!

Event Series Hope: Hope In The Word

Hope: Hope In The Word

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Hope In The Word Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!

Event Series Hope: Hope In The Word

Hope: Hope In The Word

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Hope In The Word Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!

Event Series Hope: Hope In The Word

Hope: Hope In The Word

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Hope In The Word Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!

Event Series Hope: Hope In The Word

Hope: Hope In The Word

Bethel Hope 504 W 32nd Street, Tyler, TX, United States

Hope In The Word Join us on Wednesday nights at the Hope campus from 7:00-8:30 PM. In this study, we will meet as a large group to deepen the message from the Word and then break into smaller groups for discussion. No registration is required and no food will be offered, but childcare is available!