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God’s Word says we are designed for community. At Bethel, we want to create opportunities for people to be known and to know others..


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Get to know our mission partners...

Below you will see our Downtown Mission Partners. Click on each profile to learn more about where they are serving, the people they are serving, and how you can pray. If you have any questions, or you would like to support our Global Partners, please contact Jeff Bice at

Ciutat Nova 22@ Church

Ruben Pocall and his wide, Noemi serve at Ciutat Church in Spain.

Brian & Lisa

Brian and Lisa serve in East Asia working with a Muslim unreached people group.

Gabriele & Melissa Guidi

Gabriele and Melissa serve with Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica Stadera Church in Italy.

Ryan McSwane

Ryan serves with Young Life College in New York City.

William and mary

Steve & Gaylynne Sharp

Steve and Gaylynne work in the Middle East and Central Asia with Global Heart Ministries.